Comprehensive Plan Public Engagement

Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Working with Cape Elizabeth Town staff and the Citizen Comprehensive Plan Committee, our team developed a strategy for public engagement during the comprehensive planning process. Citizens were invited to review the data guiding the comprehensive plan, learn about the methods used to address issues identified in the planning work, and prioritize recommended actions for implementation.


Asking the Community

Community events were used to gather ideas from Town citizens. During the Strawberry Festival, people were asked what Cape Elizabeth needed. Graphic tools such as word clouds were generated to illustrate responses.


Collecting Data

Three public forums were held to engage the public during the planning process. A presentation at each meeting summarizing components of the Comprehensive Plan.  Keypad polling was used to understand the thoughts of those in attendance.  Small group discussions were held to focus on actions the Town could take to address the identified issues.


Traveling Meetings

Meeting materials were developed to enable Committee members to meet with various community groups. Committee members ultimately met with 20 groups, including homeowner associations, private non-profit groups, and three high school classes. All together, 300 individuals participated in these meetings.

Additional Work